1928 Gray/Holt Washington Street 1973 1950's The remodeled and moved College Inn (A real gas station at US72/US31 Lee Hwy/Bee Line Hwy 1933-1989)
U.G. White store today (an Athens must-see) Athens square 1942
Athens Square 1931
The Saxon's Restaurant "The Rebel" Cafeteria
1974 Athens phonebook pics Barker Bill at Hatfield Lake around 1968 This was considered Athens area. It is now in Huntsville city limits In 1980 WZYP went on the air and top 40 radio changed (it was WJOF in Athens)
1927 picture Athens (Girls) College Cotton is king in Limestone County
1960's/1970's retail in Athens
(Photo 1 of Methodist Episcopal Church) The building was originally constructed in 1836 by the First United Methodist Church of Athens, Alabama. In the early 1900's it was renovated and the front of the building was changed. In 1929 the building was sold and renovated again into the Ritz Theater. In 1970 It was again sold and renovated into the Gilbert Furniture Company. In 1990 the building was again sold and renovated into the present day Marion Street Church of Christ. It is located on North Marion Street, one block North of the Court House Square.
(Photo 2 of Methodist Church) Photo of the Methodist Church (about 1930). Still in existance at the North-East corner of North Jefferson Street and Hobbs Street.
(Photo 3 of First Baptist Church) Photo of the First Baptist Church that was located on the North-West corner of North Clinton Street and Hobbs Street. This building was torn down and the present day First Baptist Church Family Life Center was built on the same location.
(Photo 4 of the Episcopal Church) Photo of the Episcopal Church. Still in existance at the North-West corner of Washington Street and Beaty Street.
(Photo 5 of the Christian Church) Photo of the Christian Church that was located on West Market Street behind the present day U. G. White Hardware Store. This building has been torn down.
looking for more Athens-area pictures. Please email huntsvillerewound@gmail.com Also check out this great
04/26/2023 01:33:50 PM
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